petak, 23. prosinca 2022.

Phenology of a single tree - Fenologija jednog stabla



Fenologija (grč. φαίνω – phainō = predstaviti, da bi se vidjelo + λόγος – logos = nauka, znanost, znanje, učenje) je nauka o periodičnosti životnih ciklusa biljaka i životinja pod uticajem sezonskih i međugodišnjih varijacija klimata, kao i ekoloških faktora.

Da bi sto realnije docarao izmjenu fenoloskih osobina vrste tokom godine sam napravio kratki film (2 min. 22 sec.) o fenologiji vrste Mecija ljeska - Divoljeska (Corylus colurna) u jednom parku u Sarajevu. Fotografski snimci su pravljeni svakoga dana 21.12.2021. - 21.12.2022.  (uz manje izostanke kada nisam bio u Sarajevu), sa iste pozicije i uglavnom u jutarnjim casovima, obicnim mobitelom bez stativa. 

Ovaj video uradak ima za cilj prije svega da studentima pomogne oko shvatanja ovog pojma, ali mozda ce neko u ovom istom snimku vidjeti neke druge aspekte: izmjenu meteo uvjeta, usporediti vlastitu ontogenezu, ili mozda posmatrati samo (nadam se) kao interesantnu  video animaciju, nekoga ce podsjetiti na tok prolazece 2022 godine. 

Video uradak mozete pogledati na linku ispod.


 Phenology (Greek: φαίνω – phainō = to present, to see + λόγος – logos = science, science, knowledge, learning) is the science of the periodicity of the life cycles of plants and animals under the influence of seasonal and interannual climate variations, as well as environmental factors.

In order to more realistically convey the change in the phenological characteristics of the species during the year, I made a short film (2 min. 22 sec.) about the phenology of the species Mecija ljeska - Divoljeska (Corylus colurna) in a park in Sarajevo. Photographs were taken every day 21.12.2021. - 21.12.2022. (with minor absences when I was not in Sarajevo), from the same position and mostly in the morning hours, with an ordinary mobile phone without a tripod.

The purpose of this video work is primarily to help students understand this term, but maybe someone will see some other aspects in this same video: the change in weather conditions, to compare their own ontogenesis, or maybe just (I hope) to see it as an interesting video animation, it will remind someone of the course of the passing year of 2022.

You can watch the video at the link below.
